Earlier this year, Chancellor Rishi Sunak launched the government’s Help To Grow scheme: a £520 million initiative which will offer 30,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) world-class business training from the UK’s leading business schools, along with free technology advice and discounted software.
The scheme is split into two programmes: Management and Digital. We’ve outlined details of each programme below, along with how you can apply.
What Is The Help To Grow Scheme?
The Help To Grow scheme was announced in March 2021 during The Chancellor’s Spring Budget. It’s no secret that the last 18 months have proved incredibly difficult, with businesses having to adapt or change entirely in response to the pandemic. Many of these have been SMEs, and, as Rishi states in his budget, these businesses often find themselves with limited time or resources to undergo training or development opportunities.
Therefore, the scheme is designed to support SMEs and give them the tools to bounce back from the pandemic and come back stronger and more resilient, which will in turn facilitate the recovery of the UK’s economy and increase productivity.
Help To Grow: Management
Running for 12 weeks, this management programme offers a mixture of face-to-face and online training sessions via some of the nation’s leading business schools and most experienced entrepreneurs. The programme is aimed at business leaders looking to enhance their leadership skills and unlock their business’s true potential, with topics such as employee engagement, growing international markets, innovation and financial management all being covered. In addition, each member will also have the opportunity to develop a strategic business growth plan to help shape their company’s future.
The programme is scheduled to run for the next 3 years, with availability for 30,000 SMEs, and is designed to fit around full-time work. 90% of the course fees are funded by the government.
The person attending must be in a senior, decision-making role within the business (and only one person per business can register).
Businesses from all sectors can apply, but they must:
- be a UK-based SME
- have been operating for at least 12 months
- employ 5-249 staff members
Unfortunately, charities are not eligible.
You can find out more about the Help To Grow: Management programme here.
How to apply
Register for a course near you by visiting Help To Grow: Management Registration. Here you’ll also find the full list of modules that will be covered on each course.
Help To Grow: Digital
The pandemic has forced many businesses to go digital. The Help To Grow: Digital programme is centred around helping these companies use technology to their advantage, to grow and boost their business.
Through the programme, businesses will have access to free, unbiased, online advice and expertise regarding the best technology and software for their company. In addition, a number of businesses will also qualify for a voucher of up to 50% off software packages, which is the equivalent of up to £5,000. Find out more via the government’s Help To Grow website.
All businesses can take advantage of the free digital advice. However, to qualify for the voucher scheme, businesses must:
- be registered with Companies House
- have been operating for at least 12 months
- employ 5-249 staff members
Vouchers can only be used for software you haven’t previously purchased.
How to apply
The programme is set to launch sometime this autumn so some of the terms and criteria are still being finalised. You can, however, register your interest for the Help To Grow: Digital programme now.
Are you planning to take advantage of the new scheme? For further information or guidance around your business’s eligibility, contact your Warr & Co accountant.