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Small to Medium Businesses

The Top 10 TED Talks Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

By May 19, 2016March 9th, 2021No Comments

TED Talks, if you’ve only heard of them but not seen any, you’re missing out. Covering just about any topic in the world, TED have collected over 2,000 15 min videos presented by industry-leading influencers. You can learn about so many things.

ted talks

“We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.” – TED

Today we’re listing our top 10 TED talks for entrepreneurs – but really any business could find wisdom in these bite-sized inspirational presentations.


Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

“People don’t buy what you do, but why you do it.” So why do you do it? An essential talk for anyone wanting to make more of their business.



Seth Godin: How to get your Ideas to Spread

Sometimes the bad or bizarre ideas can be more successful than the good ideas, good = boring. Learn what makes ideas great from the best-selling author.



Tim Harford: Trial, Error, and the God Complex

Tim Harford is an economics writer who studies complex systems, he’s found an amazing link between the most successful – trial and error.



Daniel Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation

As a former Chief Speechwriter for Al Gore, Daniel Pink knows how to give a great talk. In this TED talk he explores motivation and how traditional workplace motivation no longer works.



Richard St. John: 8 Secrets of Success

St. John is a Success Analyst by profession, he’s interviewed over 500 extremely successful people to find out what makes them tick – resulting in 8 common trends.



David Logan: Tribal Leadership

Did you know that tribes exist in five unique stages? Did you know that the stage your workplace is in can affect its productivity?



Margaret Heffernan: Why it’s Time to Forget the Pecking Order at Work

Workplace competition doesn’t always result in productivity. Margaret Heffernan is an entrepreneur, CEO and author who’s motto is: “Let’s not play the game, let’s change it.”



Tom Wujec: Got a Wicked Problem? First, Tell me how you Make Toast

What can thinking about toast teach you about business? This talk explores business visualisation, collaboration and productivity.



Ricardo Semler: Radical Wisdom for a Company, a School, a Life

Can your business survive without a hierarchy? You may be surprised! Semler, a Brazillian CEO, is known for his radical approach to industrial democracy.


We hope you’ll enjoy our selection of TED talks and if you’re planning a start-up or you’d like to make improvements to your business, remember to speak to our team who have decades of knowledge about what makes a business a success.


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